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BlackMoon FTP Server - [ Download | By: Selom Ofori | Shareware | Ratings: ]
From the developer: BlackMoon FTP Server is an FTP daemon written specifically for Windows 2000/XP/2003 and above. BlackMoon FTP Server takes advantage of all the new features in the mentioned oses like io completion ports, thread pooling, running as a system service, using built-in SSL certificate stores, authenticating against an Active Directory or remote NTLM, accessing network shares, impersonating NT users and more. BlackMoon FTP Server’s Key features include: Active Directory and NTLM Authentication ; NT User Impersonation ; Secure FTP sessions with SSL and TLS ; Run your server as an NT service ; Control the FTP Server bandwidth ; Open and extensible SQL database for server and account settings ; Virtual Folders and Merging Folders ; System Integration ; Support for FTP Protocol and addon extensions ; Folder configuration options ; Standalone, groups and os accounts ; Extenstive and informative server monitoring Graphical User Interface ; Automatic Date & Time Activations and Configurable Login Periods ; Limit access to server resources with ratios and quotas ; Hostname and IP access restrictions ; Automatically ban password probes and hammering ips ; Store user passwords in different password formats ; Plugin addon scripts written in vbscript, jscript, perl or python ; Realtime server statistics reporting . (added Jan, 2004)

Click to buy BlackMoon FTP Server now.

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