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PestPatrol - [ Download | By: PestPatrol, Inc. | Shareware | Ratings: ]
From the developer: PestPatrol is a powerful security and personal privacy tool that detects and eliminates destructive pests like trojans, spyware, adware and hacker tools. It complements your anti-virus and firewall software, extending your protection against non-viral malicious software that can evade your existing security and invade your personal privacy. PestPatrol defeats the threat by detecting and removing: Spyware and adware that “phones home” information about you, your computer, and your surfing habits ; Remote access trojans (RATs) that allow an attacker to remotely control your computer ; Keyloggers that can steal passwords and other confidential data ; Denial-of-service (DoS) attack agents that can crash or hang a program, or your entire system ; Probe tools that look for vulnerabilities on your system that a hacker can exploit ; The easy-to-use interface, automatic updates and extensive on-line research center make it simple to keep your computer clear of unwanted pests. An award winning Utility, PestPatrol makes it easy to surf with confidence, knowing that your personal information stays private and your computer stays secure. (added Jan, 2004)

Click to buy PestPatrol now.

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