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Honestech Video Editor - [ Download | By: Honest Technology | Shareware | Ratings: ]
Video Editor is a simple to use digital video editing program. It is designed for beginner to intermediate level users. The program has an intuitive step-by-step approach – drag and drop, cut and paste, add special & titling effects then preview and merge. Video Editor encoding/decoding engine and smart merging process makes the whole operation fast. Key features: - merge different original file formats, - select the output format independent of the input formats, - frame-accurate editing, - User friendly Interface, - Supports multiple original clips, - Supports multiple mark-ins and mark-outs on each clip, - Original clips and edited clips have separate time lines for easy comparison , - Video position is displayed in both frame and time scales, - Clips can be previewed before final merging, - Animated titling, - Support variety of special effects such as coloring, filtering and transition, - Transition effect can be inserted between video clips like 3D, Wipe, Slide, Stretch etc..,- Original audio can be replaced by new audio., - Smart merging technology "stitches" clips together much faster than other editors that require rendering of the entire video clips. Specifications; Video input: AVI, DV-AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, Video output: AVI, DV-AVI, MPEG-1, VCD, MPEG-2, SVCD, DVD, WMV (added 24/12/03)

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