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Twins File Merger - [ Download | By: Twins Software | Shareware | Ratings: ]
From the developer: Twins File Merger is the ultimate program for merging Mp3, Mpeg and Text Files into one big file without losing any quality. Twins File Merger has a lot of options to manage your merge list, such as sorting files, positioning files, and removing duplicated files. Twins File Merger also has a lot of text-file options, such as stripping first or last lines and placing empty lines between text-files. Twins File Merger is very fast too, and works as easy as 1-2-3. Simply add some files to your list or even a whole directory, position your files, and finally, merging your files together with one single click on the 'Merge' button. (added Jan, 2004)

Click to buy Twins File Merger now.

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