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LP Ripper - [ Download | By: CFB Software | Shareware | Ratings: ]
From the developer: LP Ripper is a Windows program that allow you to convert your LPs, cassettes or tapes to CDs . Just record each side of your LP as a single WAV file on your computer using a program like LP Recorder. LP Ripper automatically splits the file into a separate WAV file for each track. If you have a command-line MP3 or WMA Encoder, LP Ripper will use that to produce an MP3 or WMA file for each track. Features include: Listen to previews of the tracks, Adjust the fade-in / fade-out of selected tracks , useful for live recordings, Replace the hiss between tracks with silence, Save editing progress between sessions, Use LP Recorder .TRK files for fast operation. (added 24/12/03)

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