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SnagIt - [ Download | By: TechSmith Corp. | Shareware | Ratings: ]
SnagIt is a screen capture utility which enables five different capture modes and over 40 different ways to capture content from your PC screen. SnagIt enables you to Capture images from the screen including windows, regions of the screen, icons or graphics, menus etc. Text Capture - capture text from error messages, file directories, database tables and more. You can even capture text from HTML tables and place it right into Microsoft Excel. Video Capture - SnagIt's video capture can record all of your onscreen activity, including typing, mouse, and cursor movements and save it in an industry standard AVI file, making viewing and sharing these videos easy. Web Capture - SnagIt Web capture allows you to capture an entire Web site's JPEG, GIF and PNG files in one click. You can even save images from pages that are linked to within a Web page and much more… (added 24/12/03)

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