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Tiger Email Manager - [ Download | By: P N Clevett Associates | Shareware | Ratings: ]
From the developer: Market like the PRO's, right from your PC, let TIGER build your own EZINE mailing list, send a newsletter to your contacts regularly, offer a free report or price list and much much more all with TIGER. Check out Version 5 Screen Shots Next time you call a customer or potential client.... ask them if you can add them to your monthly newsletter list - TIGER will manage it for you. Next time you sell a product or service.... make sure your customer joins your PREFERRED mailing list. Too much email? Don't forget, Tiger is GREAT for customer service, it has autoresponders that can respond to the customer, telling them you got the message and then forward the customer's message on to you, then you can reply to the customer knowing he or she has received a timely reply from you already! Network marketers. When you call someone and they say NO, how about offering them the chance to be on your monthly newsletter, just so they can see how you are getting on. (in fact whatever response you get). Or what if someone contacts you? Webmasters, use tiger to process your form data. Using Tigercode you can store personal information with their mailing list entry about customers or prospects and then send a message personalized to them! Tiger is your PC's E-Secretary! Tiger makes it all possible on your OWN PC! (added Jan, 2004)

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