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Report Maker - [ Download | By: | Shareware | Ratings: ]
Browse databases, run SQL queries, or build reports, Convert databases to MS Excel spreadsheet. Report Maker helps you to create a report form database. You can create a report of thousands of records in five minutes! Simply drag and drop the fields you want. The program supports all standard databases; SQL Server, Oracle, SYBASE, DB2, Access, DBASE, Foxpro, Paradox, etc. The powerful design of the reports allows you to generate the report easily and quickly. Quickly build field mapping between source and target dataset. Through mouse dragging, a field mapping will be automatically created. The powerful database management tool can convert databases to Excel spreadsheets/MS, eliminating time-consuming data entry and the errors that accompany it. Report Maker also allows you to export to a web-page. Other features include a tree view manager, integrated report templates, internal calculation function, visual query builder, visual report builder with risk analyzer and sensitivity analyzer and filter assistant.

Click to buy Report Maker  now.

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